10.9 C
Diumenge, 22 desembre 2024
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Band of Horses han gravat un nou disc

Temps de lectura: < 1 minut
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Els seguidors de Band of Horses estan d’enhorabona, ja que el grup ja ha acabat recentment la gravació d’un nou disc, tal com ha avançat el bateria del grup Creighton Barret a través d’Instagram.

A partir de la setmana vinent començaran les mescles i només quedaria la masterització i ja estarà a punt per sortir al mercat.

Sobre el nou disc, comptaran de nou amb Jason Lytle com a productor i encara no està clar qui ocuparà el lloc de Tyler Ramsey i Bill Reynolds que van ser acomiadats del grup.

Happy Friday y’all! Here’s a quick photo log of this magic castle we’ve been lucky enough to work in twice now. We did YRUOK here in 2016 and we’ve returned to soak up its vibes for our newest endeavor. It was built in the 60’s by a math teacher who would drive into San Francisco with a truck and pick up all sorts of materials from work sites that the city had dug up or considered refuse. In one of the pics you can see his concrete mixer that he hand mixed all the mortar with and the old tractor he used to haul it around the property. It’s absolutely bananas what he did with old street bricks and beams and Man hole covers and unwanted steel. He even built a bomb shelter that now finds work as a natural reverb chamber in the control room. Truly a work and design of streaming consciousness. We love her so much, hope y’all will enjoy it too🤯
Una publicación compartida por Band Of Horses (@bandofhorses) el

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El Sol Gironès Bisbal cau contra el Godella i suma la quarta derrota consecutiva

El Sol Gironès Bisbal va caure per 82-75 contra el NB Godella en l’últim partit de l’any, acumulant la quarta derrota consecutiva fora de casa. Malgrat capgirar el marcador en els últims minuts, un parcial final de 8-0 dels locals va decantar el partit.

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