10.5 C
Dimarts, 4 març 2025
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Nominacions als Grammy 2023

Temps de lectura: 3 minuts
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Aquest dimarts s’han donat a conèixer les nominacions als Premis Grammy 2023, en una gala d’entrega que tindrà lloc el 5 de febrer a Los Angeles.

Entre els artistes nominats trobem a Taylor Swift, Beyoncé, Bad Bunny, Harry Styles, Adele o Coldplay. Rosalía també figura a vàries categories.

Al premi a millor cançó de l’any competiran Adele amb ‘Easy on me’; Beyoncé amb ‘Break my soul’; Gayle ‘Abcdefu’; Harry Styles ‘As it was’; Lizzo ‘About damn time’; Dj Khaled ‘God did’; Kendrick Lamar ‘The heart Part 5’; Bonnie Raitt ‘Just like that’; Steve Lacy ‘Bad Habit’; i Taylor Swift ‘All too well (10 minute version)’.

Una altra de les categories importants la de millor àlbum trobem a “30” d’Adele; “Un verano sin ti” de Bad Bunny; “Music of the spheres” de Coldplay; “Special” de Lizzo; “Voyage” de ABBA; “Renaissance” de Beyoncé; “Good morning gorgeous” de Mary J. Blige; “In these silent days” de Brandi Carlile; “Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers” de Kendrick Lamar i “Harry’s House” de Harry Styles.


Record of the Year

“Don’t Shut Me Down,” Abba
“Easy on Me,” Adele
“Break My Soul,” Beyoncé
“Good Morning Gorgeous,” Mary J. Blige
“You and Me on the Rock,” Brandi Carlile featuring Lucius
“Woman,” Doja Cat
“Bad Habit,” Steve Lacy
“The Heart Part 5,” Kendrick Lamar
“About Damn Time,” Lizzo
“As It Was,” Harry Styles

Album of the Year

“Voyage,” Abba
“30,” Adele
“Un Verano Sin Ti,” Bad Bunny
“Renaissance,” Beyoncé
“Good Morning Gorgeous (Deluxe),” Mary J. Blige
“In These Silent Days,” Brandi Carlile
“Music of the Spheres,” Coldplay
“Mr. Morale & the Big Steppers,” Kendrick Lamar
“Special,” Lizzo
“Harry’s House,” Harry Styles

Song of the Year

“Abcdefu,” Sara Davis, Gayle and Dave Pittenger, songwriters (Gayle)
“About Damn Time,” Melissa “Lizzo” Jefferson, Eric Frederic, Blake Slatkin and Theron Makiel Thomas, songwriters (Lizzo)
“All Too Well (10 Minute Version) (The Short Film),” Liz Rose and Taylor Swift, songwriters (Taylor Swift)
“As It Was,” Tyler Johnson, Kid Harpoon and Harry Styles, songwriters (Harry Styles)
“Bad Habit,” Matthew Castellanos, Brittany Fousheé, Diana Gordon, John Carroll Kirby & Steve Lacy, songwriters (Steve Lacy)
“Break My Soul,” Beyoncé, S. Carter, Terius “The-Dream” Gesteelde-Diamant and Christopher A. Stewart, songwriters (Beyoncé)
“Easy on Me,” Adele Adkins and Greg Kurstin, songwriters (Adele)
“God Did,” Tarik Azzouz, E. Blackmon, Khaled Khaled, F. LeBlanc, Shawn Carter, John Stephens, Dwayne Carter, William Roberts and Nicholas Warwar, songwriters (DJ Khaled Featuring Rick Ross, Lil Wayne, Jay-Z, John Legend and Fridayy)
“The Heart Part 5,” Jake Kosich, Johnny Kosich, Kendrick Lamar and Matt Schaeffer, songwriters (Kendrick Lamar)
“Just Like That,” Bonnie Raitt, songwriter (Bonnie Raitt)

Best New Artist

Omar Apollo
Domi & JD Beck
Muni Long
Samara Joy
Tobe Nwigwe
Molly Tuttle
Wet Leg

Best Music Video

“Easy on Me,” Adele; Xavier Dolan, video director; Xavier Dolan and Nancy Grant, video producers
“Yet to Come,” BTS; Yong Seok Choi, video director; Tiffany Suh, video producer
“Woman,” Doja Cat; Child., video director; Missy Galanida, Sam Houston, Michelle Larkin and Isaac Rice, video producers
“The Heart Part 5,” Kendrick Lamar; Dave Free and Kendrick Lamar, video directors; Jason Baum and Jamie Rabineau, video producers
“As It Was,” Harry Styles; Tanu Muino, video director; Frank Borin, Ivanna Borin, Fred Bonham Carter and Alexa Haywood, video producers
“All Too Well: The Short Film,” Taylor Swift; Taylor Swift, video director; Saul Germaine, video producer

Best Music Film

“Adele One Night Only,” Adele; Paul Dugdale, video director; Raj Kapoor and Ben Winston, video producers
“Our World,” Justin Bieber; Michael D. Ratner, video director; Kfir Goldberg, Andy Mininger and Scott Ratner, video producers
“Billie Eilish Live at the O2,” Billie Eilish; Sam Wrench, video director; Michelle An, Tom Colbourne, Chelsea Dodson and Billie Eilish, video producers
“Motomami (Rosalía TikTok Live Performance),” Rosalía; Ferrán Echegaray, Rosalía Vila Tobella and Stillz, video directors
“Jazz Fest: A New Orleans Story,” Various Artists; Frank Marshall and Ryan Suffern, video directors; Frank Marshall, Sean Stuart and Ryan Suffern, video producers
“A Band A Brotherhood A Barn,” Neil Young and Crazy Horse; Dhlovelife, video director; Gary Ward, video producer

Best Pop Solo Performance

“Easy on Me,” Adele
“Moscow Mule,” Bad Bunny
“Woman,” Doja Cat
“Bad Habit,” Steve Lacy
“About Damn Time,” Lizzo
“As It Was,” Harry Styles

Best Pop Duo/Group Performance

“Don’t Shut Me Down,” Abba
“Bam Bam,” Camila Cabello featuring Ed Sheeran
“My Universe,” Coldplay and BTS
“I Like You (A Happier Song),” Post Malone and Doja Cat
“Unholy,” Sam Smith and Kim Petras

L’entrada Nominacions als Grammy 2023 ha aparegut primer a Primera Fila.

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El nou disc de The Tyets es dirà “Cafè pels més cafeteros”

“Cafè pels més cafeteros”, aquest és el nom que The Tyets ha triat per al seu nou àlbum. El duet de Mataró, que tancava gira el passat mes de novembre amb dos “sold outs” al Sant Jordi Club de Barcelona, presenta aquest 2025 el seu tercer disc. Tot plegat, després de la publicació l’any 2023

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