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Diumenge, 23 febrer 2025
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Sarah Harding del grup Girls Aloud, anuncia que té càncer

Temps de lectura: 2 minuts
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La cantant Sarah Harding del grup britànic Girls Aloud, ha anunciat a les seves xarxes socials que té càncer. Al seu Instagram afirma que el càncer de mama que patia des de fa mesos, ha remès a altres parts del seu cos, per tant s’està sotmetent a tractament.

Sarah agraeix la preocupació dels seus fans i els desitja que estiguin tots bé en aquests temps tan estranys. A continuació explica el que ha estat passant durant aquests mesos, ja que ha sigut vista a l’hospital.

Girls Aloud van aconseguir enorme popularitat l’any 2002 gràcies al programa Popstars i fins el 2008 van anar publicant material. La cantant del grup que va triomfar més sobretot en solitari va ser Cheryl Cole. Pel que fa a Harding se l’ha pogut veure en diferents produccions televisives i musicalment només se la recorda per un EP editat el 2015.


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Hi everyone, I hope you are all keeping safe and well during these uncertain times. I’ve not posted on here for so long, thank you to everyone who has reached out to check in on me, it really does mean a lot. I feel now is the right time to share what’s been going on. There’s no easy way to say this and actually it doesn’t even feel real writing this, but here goes. Earlier this year I was diagnosed with breast cancer and a couple of weeks ago I received the devastating news that the cancer has advanced to other parts of my body. I’m currently undergoing weekly chemotherapy sessions and I am fighting as hard as I possibly can. I understand this might be shocking to read on social media and that really isn’t my intention. But last week it was mentioned online that I had been seen in hospital, so I feel now is the time to let people know what’s going on and this is the best way I can think of to do so. My amazing mum, family and close friends are helping me through this, and I want to say a thank you to the wonderful NHS doctors and nurses who have been and continue to be heroes. I am doing my very best to keep positive and will keep you updated here with how I’m getting on. In the meantime I hope you’ll all understand and respect my request for privacy during this difficult time. Sending you all so much love….xx

A post shared by Sarah Harding (@sarahnicoleharding) on

L’entrada Sarah Harding del grup Girls Aloud, anuncia que té càncer ha aparegut primer a Primera Fila.

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